At Colegio Santa María de lo Cañas, we are committed to offering a quality education that prepares our students for a globalized world. Our bilingual project is designed to develop linguistic and cultural competencies in English, integrating a communicative and intercultural approach from the early years of schooling through the end of secondary education—essential for facing the challenges of a globalized world.

Learning a second language is enriching in early education, as it is acquired easily and naturally, allowing students to expand their knowledge in another language and prepare for the process from Playgroup onwards.

Within our school day, our students are immersed in a bilingual environment where communication skills are promoted and developed through active, diverse, stimulating, and engaging methodologies that allow them to learn by playing and doing.

From Playgroup to Kindergarten, students learn in English through various early childhood education activities, such as play and exploration. At this stage, children experience daily second language learning, with standout activities including:

A daily structure in English that provides consistency and security for students, developing their temporal orientation and fostering the acquisition of essential vocabulary, such as days of the week, months of the year, seasons, weather, and daily activities, contributing to their cognitive and emotional growth.

English storytelling sessions to develop listening comprehension and imagination, fostering a love of reading from the earliest years and working on age- appropriate themes through children's literature.

Use of traditional nursery rhymes and songs to reinforce vocabulary and phonetics in English, familiarizing students with British and Anglo- Saxon culture.

Play, dance, and music, using playful activities based on active methodologies that facilitate natural and fun English learning, promoting vocabulary acquisition through physical action.

Initial literacy learning in English through sounds, using the Synthetic Phonics methodology.This approach develops three key skills: Blending (reading), Segmenting (writing), and Handwriting . We begin in Playgroup with the development of phonological awareness and finish in third grade with the consolidation of reading students.

Science, Math, Arts, Physical Education, and Learning Centers in English that enhance the immersion process in a second language through playful activities.

From 1st to 4th grade, the bilingual program is enriched and deepened through the development of basic communication skills, incorporating new subjects and learning methodologies, including:

Students continue acquiring written language skills and developing reading abilities, consolidating the initial English literacy process started in Infant School.

Development of oral expression skills through play, movement, rhythms, and performing arts, facilitating natural and playful English learning.

An English learning program based on the Cambridge University curriculum, where 1st to 4th-grade students learn the foundations of the English language, including vocabulary and grammar through engaging activities, stories, and games that align with students' developmental stages and interests

Subjects such as Math, Science, and History are taught using the English CLIL methodology and a dual immersion system, promoting active methodologies and interdisciplinary work on projects that students share and socialize with the community.

From 5th grade to 10th grade, students participate in an intensive English program that includes 8 hours of English per week, distributed across subjects such as:

An English learning program based on the Cambridge University curriculum that helps develop Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing skills in direct relation to Cambridge exam preparation. In this subject, students deepen their understanding of basic language structures acquired in earlier years, strengthening and expanding their vocabulary, grammar, and language skills with a communicative approach.

Focus on developing reading, writing, oral expression, and listening comprehension skills, while also promoting a love of reading and an aesthetic appreciation of various literary genres and performing arts. In these subjects, students develop communication, oral and written production skills, as well as reading comprehension strategies in a holistic manner.

The goal is for students to develop their linguistic skills in a comprehensive way, strengthening their communication abilities throughout their school journey.

In 11th and 12th grade, English is part of the common core curriculum, ensuring continuity and strengthening the skills acquired in previous years. This allows for the consolidation of learning and encourages students to apply and use their communication skills in both academic and everyday contexts.

International Certification:

Our elementary and secondary students have the opportunity to certify their level of English through international exams from Cambridge University, providing them with tools and global recognition of their linguistic competencies, opening doors to future academic, personal, and professional projects.

In CYL (Cambridge Young Learners) and CET (Cambridge Examination Training) courses, pedagogical work is developed and intentionally aligned with the content and formats of Cambridge University’s various evaluations, to build the skills and competencies associated with different levels, from Pre A1 Starters to B2 First.

International Experiences

As a school, we encourage the development of communication and 21st-century skills, preparing them as citizens of a global society. We have agreements with prestigious agencies that offer school exchange programs to various countries and English courses abroad. Additionally, we have welcomed students from different countries across Europe, creating enriching and positive experiences.

We believe that international experiences are a unique opportunity to apply what has been learned and open our students to the possibility of developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed in an increasingly globalized and culturally diverse world.

Community Activities and Milestones

At Colegio Santa María de lo Cañas, we promote the use of English through various activities and events that foster dialogue and communication in this language. We invite students to participate in:

Activities that break the routine and create meaningful and different experiences.

Every Friday, students participate in a live online news broadcast where information about activities, milestones, announcements, congratulations, and highlights of good behavior is shared, strengthening a sense of belonging.

We celebrate and reflect on our achievements and learning during the first 100 days of school, fostering not only the consolidation of learning but also students' metacognition and self-regulation.

A special week during the school year to celebrate, showcase our linguistic skills, and share through games, activities specially designed by teachers, and our beloved Drama Festival.

Our bilingual project not only aims to develop linguistic skills but also to prepare our students to be global citizens, capable of interacting with diverse cultures, promoting respect, mutual understanding, and a future full of international opportunities.

We invite you to learn more about our bilingual project and to be part of our educational community!