The Humanities area of the Santa María de Lo Cañas School seeks to develop conceptual, procedural and attitudinal skills in students; through processes of curricular integration of History, Geography, Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy and Psychology; that allow the consolidation of subjects capable of defending and promoting fundamental rights of people in society; that seek to change dominant and discriminatory social structures; that are capable of generating their own proposals around art and culture and that, in short, respond to the needs of the twenty-first century. del siglo XXI.

Our purpose is to build ourselves as a department that helps in the training of students who will position themselves as agents of social change according to the different academic and professional disciplines they choose once they graduate from the school.

Franco Muñoz Quiroz

Profesor jefe 6° Básico B

Profesor de Lenguaje y Comunicación

Cesia Aguayo San Martín

Head Teacher 4th Grade B

Cristell Calderón Herrera

Head Teacher 2nd Grade A

Daniela Berrios Jofré

Head Teacher III° Medium A

Language and Literature Teacher

María Cristina Cuevas

Language and Literature Teacher

Rocío Bórquez Infante

Head Teacher 3rd Grade A

Maira Avello Rocha

Language and Literature Teacher